black and white bed linen

$LOTTO is a wealth sharing token.
Holding $LOTTO enables access to wealth onchain, daily.

$LOTTO is part of a system for the BASE L2 that allows you to participate in shared wealth gains.

Buy $LOTTO and you're automatically eligible to gain wealth from the sharing pool, no sign up required.

The $LOTTO token is designed to increase in value.
Hold with peace of mind knowing you can sell your $LOTTO anytime.

Enjoy The Lotto on Base.

Learn more on how to participate in wealth sharing events & how it works below, transparency is key.

777,777,777 Total Supply Forever.
98% LP Locked, Set to Burn.
1% Reserved for Coinbase Exchange.
1% Airdropped to Coinbase users

and users of Coinbase products.
Ownership Renounced.

No taxes, ever.

No Pre-Sale, No investors, No private funding, not even a VC. Everything is entirely open to the community from the very beginning.
The Airdrop is equally distributed.
Over 600,000 unique owner wallets are set to receive a fair amount based on their Coinbase usage, 42.0, 7.77, or 6.9777
The creator wallet got airdropped 777694.2069, this is.1% of the supply.
The amount will be used to help market the token in the future.

7/13/2024 Fairly Launched
Airdropped before registering token and before listing pump, a truly fair launch.

How does it work?

Shared wealth is seperate to $LOTTO liquidity.
$LOTTO is intended to go up in value over time, therefore the token's value will never be used in sharing. The wealth is generated from natural cost flows in cryptocurrency that is normally absorbed by liquidity providers and exchanges, in $LOTTO this wealth is re-directed at holders. In the future when CEX list $LOTTO, the majority of wealth will be generated by a feature update that is scheduled for release, more info below.

The LP is locked and set to burn when the new permanent contribution system is released. $LOTTO is strictly for eligibility of wealth sharing.

The token does not have an icon or information filled during the launch for true transparency and trust.
Nearly 100% of the time, a coin is airdropped after obtaining a pay to win listing and completing insider accumulation.
You then get a random coin with all its info filled out and "trade history" but it only airdropped into your wallet after the pump!

$LOTTO plans to break this cycle of mistrust and abuse. $LOTTO Airdropped day 1, fairly.

Description of LOTTO algorithm in plain text:

The system takes your % owned of the total supply and calculates it against the current # of eligible holders to get a fair contribution number.

The fair contribution number + the number of buy swaps made by the wallet will decide the luck rate for a given wallet.
To prevent manipulation and abuse of the system, holders start at 1x, capped at 1.15x luck rate from any and all forms of increasing your luck.
After all holders luck rate % is calculated, holders will be entered into a system similar to that of a gacha.
Similar as in, holders with a higher luck rate are more likely to get picked but it is not guarunteed.

For a wallet to be eligible during sharing, it must meet the requirements stated above.
The system will automatically disperse a % of the wealth generated between sharing events to the selected holder based on their fair contribution number.
The rest of the wealth generated automatically goes into liquidity increasing the price of $LOTTO to benefit all holders.
To insure quality of share, it is set to a minimum of .7% and maximum of 42% of the generated wealth.
The 58% min going into liquidity insures the price of $LOTTO will increase over the long term. Benefitting all holders.

Selling your $LOTTO will leave you out of the upcoming wealth sharing event even if you maintain the minimum hold. After the current cycle ends you become eligible again. Do not try to cheat the system, it will only hurt your chances of participating in a fair wealth sharing.

Wealth sharing is activated bi weekly on a cycle that started 7/13/2024.

On every 4th wealth share a rng event takes place with the possibility of the system performing a super share. The system will select wallets that were active and input the wallets into an algorithm against the LP x 27 billion. If the supershare system picks a wallet address over the LP, they will receive a 100% disperse + a bonus based on volume.
A supershare is akin to receiving a once in a million lifetimes wealth share. The odds for this are EXTREMELY low. If the LP is selected, wealth will be dispersed to all holders based on fair contribution up to 90%. The remaining 10% will be used to increase $LOTTO value.

How is the system sustained ?
Wealth sharing is based on revenue generated by the system, it will never pay out an amount that will hurt the longevity of it.
Because of its time schedule it will also never be able to pay out at a speed that will deplete the value of the share. With these two factors alone, the system is sustainable. There is even a backup wallet to protect integrity. If the revenue generated begins to decrease the system will cycle scale to keep rewards high. The system is capable of detecting wallet interconnections and voiding spam wallets.

Currently under development is
a new service that will create access to PERMANENTLY contribute to the value of $LOTTO for a chance to earn a large sum of USDC. These permanent contributions are intended to drive the value of $LOTTO up for all holders. More info upon release.


$400,000 ETH Holdings

Average Wealth Share at Current Value : $81- $1024USD

Supershare at Current Value : $42005USD

7/13/2024-7/27/2024 Share Value at 100% disperse : $10924USD

If you purchased any amount of LOTTO, you are eligible for one single wealth share cycle.
Wallets holding 30000 LOTTO tokens or more are entered into a recurring wealth sharing event automatically.

30000 $LOTTO Value at launch is equal to 5 USDC to be eligible.
No sign up ever.

Its that easy.

There are a few requirements to ensure the fairness of the wealth share.

Wallet is active at least once during the last two cycles.

Wallets holding over 500,000 LOTTO do not need to remain active. This amount is to eliminate bots and curb abuse.

The wallet must also have no $LOTTO sells during that wealth share cycle.
Wallets that sold are only ineligible until the next cycle.

Buying a minimum of 100 $LOTTO daily will increase your luck rate but is not required.
The swaps will help $LOTTO with ranking and bring more awareness with little cost.

To be eligible for a supershare you must hold 250000+ $LOTTO

A Strong Motive to Pioneer Wealth Systems

Help $LOTTO establish a wealth share system on the base L2 network that makes gains that has never been easier, forget chasing the pump and dump cycle.
$LOTTO could potentially be compared to a savings, with no fees, no taxes, and higher rates of return.

Get some ETH on the Base network, Coinbase is a good choice, purchase ETH through coinbase and select base network when sending out to your smart wallet. Open the uniswap dapp or your wallet's swap and paste this contract address in to the buy side. Or click the pink unicorn.


How to buy?
Share in the wealth!

Make gains with others by simply buying $LOTTO Making many swaps / buys will earn you more luck % than singulars!

Help spread the word!

Collaborate with the community to earn rewards and grow wealth collectively through sharing and sending $LOTTO and Latto the cat to everyone you know!

*/*/2024 - Announce Partnership With ******** publicly
Launch the project hidden in the clouds.

Q3 2024 - Airdrop, Inform, and Maintain Transparency, while spreading the word. Apply for info update to block and dex scanners.

Q4 2024 - Listing on US based exchange, Coinmarketcap listing, CoinGecko listing.

The $LOTTO is fair launched to allow as many people as possible a chance at buying $LOTTO prior to the token listings causing pumps.
The system is still in an early phase akin to a pre-launch, and may advance over time with improvements.

I love using Based Latto to earn wealth, It's a great way to make gains while saving my extra income.

- Not a real review, tho it could've been you honestly.
Why wait?


Questions & Help

If you need support any step of the way, please use the form below.

The only real token image for the $LOTTO, do not buy fake tokens, LOTTO will not update the token information or icon until after the date mentioned above. Until then, it will have no icon or info in Uniswap and Wallets. Fair stealth launch, those who place trust in the token early will benefit from a special wealth share from a private wallet on the first wealth share cycle.